Showing 1 - 25 of 50 Results
Short Review of the Reports of the African Institution, and of the Controversy with Dr Thorpe by Mathison, Gilbert Farquhar ISBN: 9781168991317 List Price: $27.16
Narrative of a Visit to Brazil, Chile, Peru, and the Sandwich Islands by Mathison, Gilbert Farquhar ISBN: 9783861956488 List Price: $109.90
Notices respecting Jamaica, in 1808--1809--1810. by Gilbert Farquhar Mathison ISBN: 9781275714922 List Price: $19.75
Short Review of the Reports of the African Institution, and of the Controversy with Dr Thorpe by Mathison, Gilbert Farquhar ISBN: 9781164549642 List Price: $15.16
A Short Review of the Reports of the African Institution, and of the Controversy with Dr. Th... by Mathison, Gilbert Farquhar ISBN: 9781436750769 List Price: $18.95
Narrative of a Visit to Brazil, Chile, Peru, and the Sandwich Islands, During the Years 1821... by Mathison, Gilbert Farquhar ISBN: 9781143468193 List Price: $38.75
Narrative of a visit to Brazil, Chile, Peru, and the Sandwich Islands, During the Years 1821... by Mathison, Gilbert Farquhar ISBN: 9781115347822 List Price: $38.75
Notices Respecting Jamaica, in 1808--1809-1810 by Mathison, Gilbert Farquhar ISBN: 9781151726193 List Price: $13.06
Narrative of a visit to Brazil, Chile, Peru, and the Sandwich Islands, During the Years 1821... by Mathison, Gilbert Farquhar ISBN: 9781115347846 List Price: $39.75
Narrative of a visit to Brazil, Chile, Peru, and the Sandwich islands by Mathison, Gilbert Farquhar ISBN: 9780217516006 List Price: $14.94
Notices respecting Jamaica, in 1808-1809-1810 by Mathison, Gilbert Farquhar ISBN: 9780217738255 List Price: $16.00
Notices Respecting Jamaica, in 1808-1809-1810 by Mathison, Gilbert Farquhar ISBN: 9781143036255 List Price: $21.75
Narrative of a visit to Brazil, Chile, Peru, and the Sandwich Islands, During the Years 1821... by Mathison, Gilbert Farquhar ISBN: 9781115347884 List Price: $43.99
Narrative of a visit to Brazil, Chile, Peru, and the Sandwich Islands, During the Years 1821... by Mathison, Gilbert Farquhar ISBN: 9781115347860 List Price: $36.99
Narrative of a Visit to Brazil, Chile, Peru, and the Sandwich Islands, During the Years 1821... by Mathison, Gilbert Farquhar ISBN: 9781154794120 List Price: $24.11
Narrative of a Visit to Brazil, Chile, Peru, and the Sandwich Islands by Gilbert Farquhar Mathison ISBN: 9783943850758 List Price: $80.90
Narrative of a Visit to Brazil, Chile, Peru, and the Sandwich Islands, During the Years 1821... by Mathison, Gilbert Farquhar ISBN: 9781274944986 List Price: $39.75
Narrative of a Visit to Brazil, Chile, Peru, and the Sandwich Islands, During the Years 1821... by Gilbert Farquhar Mathison ISBN: 9781293423202 List Price: $39.75
Sili Italici Punica, Volume 1 - Primary Source Edition (Latin Edition) by Ludwig Bauer, Gilbert Farqu... ISBN: 9781289560461 List Price: $27.75
Notices Respecting Jamaica, in 1808-1809-1810 - Primary Source Edition by Gilbert Farquhar Mathison ISBN: 9781287903741 List Price: $21.75
Narrative of a visit to Brazil, Chile, Peru and the Sandwich islands by Gilbert Farquhar Mathison ISBN: 9785518632370 List Price: $49.95
A Short Review of the Reports of the African Institution: And of the Controversy with Dr. Th... by Gilbert Farquhar Mathison ISBN: 9781358596223 List Price: $21.95
Narrative of a visit to Brazil, Chile, Peru, and the Sandwich Islands, During the Years 1821... by Gilbert Farquhar Mathison ISBN: 9781296367800 List Price: $39.75
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